Saturday, February 9, 2013
Paradise Point Hotel
Welcome to the official website of the 2013 Big 10: Heart & Soul Mardi Gras!  Blessed Sacrament Parish School produces this fundraiser each year for the benefits of our students. 2013 marks the 27th installment of the event!  Please join us in an evening of delight, merriment, and joy as we consider the heart and soul of every child who attends Blessed Sacrament Parish School.

Dinner Tickets and donations may be purchased using your credit card on this website.  A few of our hot-ticket items will be on display as well! Just follow the "Items Up For Bid" link in the top-left corner of the page.  See you at Big 10!  

: Dinner tickets purchased after January 18, 2013 will be sold at $75/ticket. We may not be able to accommodate seating requests on tickets purchased after January 18, 2013.  Dinner ticket sales close on February 5, 2013 at 11:59pm.  Big 10 Opportunity Drawing tickets are not sold online. Please contact the BSPS School Office to purchase your Big 10 Opportunity Drawing ticket (619) 582-3862. Thank you!
Event Image

Dinner Registration Form

Saturday, February 9, 2013
Paradise Point Hotel
Registration for this event is currently closed.